Online card payment

One of the most popular online payment solutions is bank card payment. We can pay for an extremely wide range of products and services without even leaving home.

The for online payment there are many different possibilities and often they cannot be sharply separated from each other. This is also the case with so-called virtual bank cards, for example. 

Online bank card payment, now considered traditional, is a widespread solution. While in a significant part of internet purchases, the consideration is still cash on delivery can be settled by customers, card users also use the plastic for online shopping or paying utility bills online.

The banks, the card companies, as well as the providers of payment solutions, strive to simultaneously enforce the aspects of convenience and security in online bank card payments.

It has become common (in the European Union, for example, EU-level regulation (P2D2) properly mandatory) is the so-called two-factor identification, when, for example, not only the card data, but also a one-time code sent to the user's phone must be entered on the Internet interface. We also often have the opportunity to register our bank card with frequently used, reliable sellers and service providers, so that we don't have to re-enter its data every time. 

It is of fundamental importance that we only enter this data on an interface whose authenticity and reliability we are convinced of. If we don't act like this, it's easy to do a trick malware its owner can start spending our money.

Last edited: January 10, 2023

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