Business report

The business report is an analysis related to annual financial statements. The report provides a comprehensive summary of the development, performance and situation of the company's business, consistent with the size and complexity of the company.

Based on the accounting regulations, companies obliged to prepare annual financial statements must also prepare a business report at the same time as the report. The business report must be prepared simultaneously with the report, but is not part of it. This means that it is not mandatory to publish it, but it is expected that it can be viewed at the company's headquarters.

The business report is essentially a textual analysis, essentially supplementing the report. Its purpose is to evaluate the data of the annual financial statements to present the company's property, financial and income situation, business course, along with the main risks and uncertainties arising during the company's activities, in such a way as to give a reliable and realistic picture of these in accordance with the actual circumstances.

The business report should include all financial and, where appropriate, all key non-financial performance indicators that are relevant to the business. 

The utilization of financial assets must also be presented in the business report. And if it has a significant impact on the financial situation, it must include the risk management and hedging policy in a quantified manner, the price-, credit, interest, liquidity and cash flow risks.

The report must cover the significant events that occurred after the balance sheet date, the expected development, the area of research and experimental development, the presentation of the sites and branches, and the employment policy pursued by the company. 

The business report must separately present the company's responsibilities in relation to environmental protection, the implemented and expected developments, the related subsidies, the environmental protection measures, as well as the development of their implementation. 

Last edited: March 15, 2023

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