Minimum Viable Product / MVP

MVP is an important stage of product development. The Minimum Viable Product means a version with functionality that can already be brought to the market.

The creation of the MVP, the Minimum Viable Product, can be one of the most important milestones in the development of our company's products and services. After previous research and planning, this is already a working model. However, MVP is still far from the development of a fully functional product. However, this product can already be used and even sold to our users.

MVP is therefore the real test. It can be found out whether the product confirms the findings of our previous our market research. It becomes visible whether the idea we set out to implement really works. However, we can get more than that from publishing the MVP: continuous feedback from real users. Based on this, we will have the opportunity to revise our previous plans and improve the product's functionality, appearance, and design. 

The application of MVP is closely related to the application of the lean approach and partly to the Design Thinking methodology. (Crowd crowdfunding often follows similar principles.) 

At the same time, it must also be seen that the more complex a product we embarked on, the more difficult it will be to come up with a prototypes that is existing but not yet fatally expensive to develop. The solution to this can be the design of an MVP that is as limited as possible, displaying only the most essential future functions.

Last edited: March 15, 2023

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