Operating plan

The operational plan shows how and with what resources the company intends to implement its operations, i.e. product production, service provision, sales.

  • + SSuitable for identifying operational risk factors.

  • - An adequate financial plan cannot be created without an operational plan.

In relation to the core activity, the operational plan is also called a production plan, a service plan, or a commercial and merchandise circulation plan. The importance and detail of the operational plan also depends on the nature of the specific business activity, the life cycle of the business, and whether it is being prepared for internal or external use. In the case of enterprises dealing with product production, more emphasis should be placed on its development, it should be more detailed than in the case of an enterprise dealing with services or trade.

The operational plan is closely related to it at several points for a business plan. Within this, to present the business, a for a marketing plan, and the for a financial plan and also for risk assessment.

The production plan shows what quantity of a given product, activity, or service the company can or wants to produce in a given period. The task of the production plan is to ensure the fulfillment of the sales plan in terms of quantity, quality, selection and deadline. In the operational plan, product development must be covered, it must be presented how modern the products and services are, what guarantees the appropriate technical level.

The operational plan must ensure the efficient use and economy of resources. Creating an operational plan provides an opportunity to reflect on the company's processes, assess potential business continuity risks, and figure out how to reduce or eliminate them. During planning, we also have a way to think about which processes can be simplified or where it is worthwhile to think about the automation of processes within the company.

The entire production and service process can often be summarized in a flowchart, which shows the fixed assets, the necessary human resources, raw materials and other necessary materials. 

Last edited: January 2, 2023

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